Updated: 2024-12-31 22:33:55
Curiosity's final scientific instrument gets up and running.
Updated: 2024-12-31 08:00:02
The Northern Lights Photographer of the Year collection from Capture the Atlas features the most extraordinary aurora photos captured over the 12 months. This year, as we reach the solar maximum of this solar cycle, the northern and southern lights have been more active than ever, illuminating skies in unexpected places where they’ve rarely – if ever – been photographed. Some examples of these unique locations include images from Arizona, California, Spain, the Chilean Patagonia, Namibia and Madeira. Continue reading...
Updated: 2024-12-14 14:00:18
The Southern Sky Astrophotography 2024 exhibition displays the top entries from the 20th David Malin awards for Australian astronomers and photographers. The images are on display at the Sydney observatory until 1 February Continue reading...
Updated: 2024-12-09 08:56:47
JavaScript Required This is a heavily interactive web application , and JavaScript is required . Simple HTML interfaces are possible , but that is not what this is . Learn more about Bluesky at bsky.social and atproto.com Profile AGU American Geophysical Union agu.org did:plc:pvcshsfrjz64enky5wrlhbgf AGU is a global community supporting more than half a million advocates and professionals in Earth and space . sciences